Shipping fee is automatically added when you place your order in the shoppingcart. Amorina Art is using Post Nord to deliver the artworks.
Free shipping on the canvas print! Be aware that the canvas print will be shipped to you directly from the printing house, so you can't choose the place to pick up your packet, when you place an order in the shop. You will be informed by mail, when they are shipping (2-5 days delivery depending on country), and the printing house alert you when they have delivered to the nearest delivery outlet to your address.
Sjælsportræt – Himmelbjørn
Himmelbjørn - Han er et barn af himlen og bærer af stjernelyset. Han dvæler på Moder Jord for at forankre fred, kærlighed og omsorg. Når han åbner sit hjerte og folder sin sjælskraft ud vil han manifestere det hellige maskuline.
Sky bear
He is a child of heaven and bearer of the starlight. He dwells on Mother Earth to anchor peace, love and care. When he opens his heart and unfolds his soul power, he will manifest the sacred masculine.